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Bus and Transportation


Public Transporation

DART and Flex busses operated by the Cape Cod Regional Transit Authority serve the school. A student "Charlie Pass" is available for students at the CCRTA transporation center in Hyannis. For schedules and contact information go to 



Would you like to investigate carpool? Please email your information (town, with area, your email and the best way to contact you) to, then we will post in our weekly Monday family email called 'Notes to Home' in September. Joining our parent Facebook page (The "CCLCS Connection" is also a good way to network for carpools)


Lighthouse Bus


Student Behavior Expectations


A few years ago a group of parents established a bus service for children from the Upper and Mid Cape areas. The bus is entirely funded by the parents. State law does not allow the school to subsidize the service without providing busing for all students, which is not financially possible for the school


We would strongly advise you to be at stops earlier than the posted times to ensure your child does not miss the bus or are left standing at the stop.  Please note that these times may change in the first few weeks of school as it moves along. You WILL be advised of any time changes ahead of time.


Please arrive at the bus stop well before the departure and drop times.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at


Bus 1: Exit 5 (upper lot), 8 bus

Exit 5-Departs at 7:55,  Arrives at 3:30

Exit 8-Departs at 8:05,  Arrives at 3:20


Bus 2: Exit 5 (lower green), 6 bus

Exit 5-Departs at 7:55,   Arrives at 3:30

Exit 6-Departs at 8:10,   Arrives at 3:15


BOTH Exit 5 STOPs are at the West Parish Church.  Bus 1, please go to the back parking lots and proceed up the hill and park. Bus 2, please park along the green below the church. All students need to remain in the car until the bus arrives. 


Exit 6 STOP is at the YMCA.  Please park in the far left hand parking lot (if you are looking at the front of the building.  It is the first parking lot you will come to when entering the YMCA property.


Exit 8 STOP is in front of Yarmouth Wine and Spirits.  Please park in the parking lot that faces the front of the store (not in the spots directly in front of the store).


You MUST register your student every year.

Checks should be made out to "CCLCS Bus Group". You may also pay via Paypal or credit card. Please feel free to contact  Mrs. Scichilone ( if you have any questions about this service.


Click the button below to register your child for the bus:

Bus Payments

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